Torres del Paine is a park few miles from Puerto Natales where I am now and where I will take the ferry for Puerto Montt tomorrow. So, after I cooked spaghetti with ragu’ for few of us we had a fun party last night with young nice people from various countries joining us later on. I had tow very nice new friends. Two young guys from brazil that are taking the same ferry tomorrow and with them today I took an day bus ride in the park.
We spent about ten hours inside the park and it was great! The mountains are beautiful and the waterfall in the picture very powerful. But the highlight was the icebergs in the Grey lake…so magical. Blue magical. ( Paine is indio for blue...)
Anyway. Trekkers who went really inside told me how incredible it is…but definitely requiring equipments, time and …physical preparation. They are all very young and full of energy…and they are calling me …abuelito! It’s ok. Tonight I’m invited to eat ( and party!) again!
The weather is good, warm in the day and crisp at night.
Today was presidential election in Chile. Not sure who won but I can hear car horns so someone is celebrating. I’m gathering lots of opinion on the politics and social situation here. Very interesting, and complicated of course.
Looking forward to the ferry ride. 3 days in channels and fiords! And most likely no wifi. Oh well. I still have reading material.
Paine as your soul...